Banner Credit

Many, many thanks to Spubba for designing and producing my title frickin' awesome!!! :D

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Oh-So-Close! 150.5!!!

Last night we entertained an old high school friend for dinner (the delicious fare included bbq'd steaks, pork kebabs, and zucchini strips along with butter-steamed potatoes and onions I cooked in the oven). I had a few rum and cokes (Coke Zero) and was happy to see 150.5 on the scale this morning! And this is before any bowel movement (TMI, but relevant lol)!

I really need to get some new clothes now because the shorts and pants I bought before our trip in March are now falling off me. I have a belt that I can wear with them but I really hate belts and I get a nasty rash on my stomach from any metal bits that touch.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Sister and the Long Hair

As you've read, I attended my nephew's 8th birthday party this past Sunday, and that was the first time in a few months that my sister and I saw each other. (She had really pissed me off by treating our mentally-ill mother badly.)

She really noticed how long my hair had gotten and tonight on the phone she asked me how my hair got so long so fast; was I taking any supplements?? I then proceeded to tell her that it's probably related to our diet improvements and the fact that I haven't used shampoo or conditioner (save for a couple of times) since January 1 of this year.

Her reaction was common: "What?? What do you wash your hair with? No conditioner? I couldn't do that. My hair gets too tangled."

I explained the baking soda and ACV regimen and I'm sure she'd heard of it before (at least my mom had, when I told her awhile back), but she actually sounded interested. When she mentioned her tangle-prone hair again I mentioned that it's because of what she's been using. The shampoo strips way too much of the natural oils away, making you depend on using conditioner, which in turn makes your hair feel really dirty soon after, making you depend on more shampoo! "They've got you by the balls," I said. She agreed.

I forgot to mention the coconut oil as a treatment. Oh well, next time.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


This morning when I weighed myself the scale read 151.2. *happy dance*

Then I had breakfast and headed over to my sister's place to attend my nephew's 8th birthday party. I had a few potato chips and some cake, but that's to be expected. It's not an every day thing.

*happy dance*

Friday, July 9, 2010

An Evening Snack

Although the blueberry Activia yogurt would have been awesome on it's own, I decided to dress it up a little, as I often do. I added some raw almonds, dried (unsweetened) cranberries, flax seeds and (for my sweet tooth) a few chocolate chips.


(Click the pic for a higher-resolution version.)

Sunday, July 4, 2010

"Orthorexia Nervosa"

I definitely don't have it. I'm sitting here eating a bowl of ice cream (two flavours, thank you; chocolate velvet and vanilla) topped with homemade raspberry/rhubarb sauce (thanks to step-mom) and organic blueberries (because they're plumper and less rotten than the others at the store). Mmmm, delicious. No obsessing over healthy foods going on over here.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Odour-Free Pits! It works!

Instead of using deodorant after a shower, I've been trying a smidgen of coconut oil followed by a very light dusting of baking soda. After a full day at work with wet pits, NO SMELL. Yeehaw! :D

Thursday, July 1, 2010

13 Pounds and Counting

After all the "diet cheating" I'd been doing over the past few weeks (a small piece of cake here, some homemade bread there), I was pleasantly surprised yesterday morning when I stepped on the scale. 152.8! Holy crap, I'm almost into the 140s again! I don't remember the last time I was in the 140s, it was so long ago! Yeehaw!

Just over a week ago I started doing small amounts of crunches and lady push-ups during my evening stretch session on the bedroom floor. I did 5 of each for a couple days, then raised it to 10, and then 20 each. I can now do all 20 of each straight without needing any rest time.

Today is Canada Day so I have the day off and I slept til 10am. The stupid cat woke me up at that point - how annoying. I hope she isn't one of those ones that will live til 28 years old...she's already at 19 and I love her but I need a break from cats for awhile.

On another note, an update on the poo-free life! The skin on my face has never been smoother and I haven't had a huge monthly zit in a couple of months (I think I've had one since returning from our vacation). My scalp was a bit smelly (at least to me) last weekend so I did a good cleaning with diluted baking soda with the ACV rinse. Aaaaaah, much better.

Otherwise, it's going pretty well. Mark Sisson at Mark's Daily Apple posted about this "way of life" and his post has a ka-jillion comments on it (it's a fascinating topic for the masses!). Someone mentioned making a deodorant from coconut oil and baking soda so I'm trying that sporadically for now. Once my deodorant stick is finished I'll re-fill it with this new mixture.

Sorry for the lack of updates lately. I haven't felt much like blogging but I'll try to post more often now that I'm getting some positive results!